黑劍會短篇小說 Z與貝拉的故事 線上閱讀

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已加入: 2011-04-21 07:14
黑劍會短篇小說 Z與貝拉的故事 線上閱讀

喜歡黑劍會的兄弟們   所以把這篇台灣不會發行短篇小說翻譯出來 


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Just cannot stay away
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Re: 黑劍會短篇小說 Z與貝拉的故事 線上閱讀




Last seen: 10 年 11 個月 以前
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已加入: 2011-12-06 16:50
Re: 黑劍會短篇小說 Z與貝拉的故事 線上閱讀


Last seen: 11 年 2 個月 以前
Quite a regular
已加入: 2011-04-21 07:14
Re: 黑劍會短篇小說 Z與貝拉的故事 線上閱讀

這個系列在台灣好像沒有那麼受歡迎   不像在美國還有歐洲的受歡迎程度

在亞馬遜的討論區中發現JR Ward 在Facebook中提到的有關娜拉後來發現Z的過去而引發出來的感想   先把它貼在下面 有空會把它翻譯在部落格裡

Nalla finds out eventually that he had been held as a blood slave. And what had been done to him. I think I know how it happens but I'm not completely sure. Anyway... she never tells him she knows. Ever. He goes to his grave thinking that she wasn't aware of the shameful things that were done to him (HIS perspective here, NOT hers- she thinks what happened was horrorific and criminal).

After she finds out (she's about thirty when it happens,) she disappears for a whole weekend to that house Bella ended up at right after Rehv's mansion was broken into. Her parents are frantic because she doesn't tell them where she is- but the thing is, she can't be around Z or see him because she's afraid she'll break down. After a day, she calls her mom and Bella comes alone at her request and Nalla just cries and cries and cries. See, she'd always known something was up with her father, she just didn't know what it was and the truth was so much worse than she imagined. I can't even BEGIN to know how she handled the news. I mean... check it... here's this male who she loves more than anyone (yeah, probably even more than Bella although it's a matter of degree,) who's protected her and her mother, and served the race with honor and distinction, who's laughed with her and held her when she was scared of thunderstorms and fed her when she was sick and glowered at her boyfriends and brought her spring violets for no reason and bought her her first car and sung to her when she woke up from nightmares... to find out this wonderful special incredible soul who is her father had been used for blood and violated for a century?

Yeah, just about killed her.

Anyway, Bella called Z and reassured him that Nalla was fine but that the two of them were going to have a girl's weekend kind of thing. When the two got back tot he mansion, Nalla went to find Z- turned out he was reading in the library. Naturally, his face totally lit up the second he saw her. But here's the thing. As Z held his arms wide, Nalla had a sudden and irrevokable conviction strike her heart: she vowed he would never know she knew. EVER. She's well aquainted with his pride, but more than that it would crush him because he'd be sure to guess how upset she was.

When she hesitated in the doorway, Z asked her what was wrong.

Nalla just shook her head and flew across the library. As she landed in his arms, she held onto him so tightly he could barely breathe. And when he asked her what was wrong?

She just shook her head against that big chest of his and said:

"Nothing, Daddy. I just missed you."


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Home away from home楓葉會員 Maple Member網管 Webmaster
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Re: 黑劍會短篇小說 Z與貝拉的故事 線上閱讀



Last seen: 9 年 2 個月 以前
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已加入: 2012-10-10 20:16
Re: 黑劍會短篇小說 Z與貝拉的故事 線上閱讀
