
共有 42678 筆資料,目前是 42641 - 42650 筆
譯者: 周慧芬
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #226
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Michael Moreno is tough, a "bad boy"--but Chris Barnes is sure she can handle him. When she loses her job, she even invests her earnings as a champion skier and TV sportscaster in Michael's ski resort. And she teases him about having Syndicate connections--until she receives a sinister phone call .....
譯者: 陳素貞
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #232
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
在婚姻上,凡妮莎‧哈瑞登有一段不願提起的過去;但在工作上,她是個成功的工商顧問,專門替公司行號解決疑難問題。 在一次機場的邂逅事件中,她結識了同行的旅伴傑森。 經過短暫而愉快的交談後,他們揮別了對方。 凡妮莎以為再也見不到這個未曾留下姓氏、地址的迷人男士了,沒想到回來後接手的第一件工作就是整頓傑森‧卡利索公司。 卡利索電子公司的問題重重,但凡妮莎決心接受挑戰,開始大刀闊斧地提出方案來破除過去的沈痾。 在工作的同時,她和傑森發生了愛情。 傑森已離婚,有一個十歲的女兒。 艾蜜妮‧卡利索因母親黛安娜的寵溺,常常有令傑森生氣的嬌縱表現,而備受嚴厲的責罰。 夾在這種親情的衝突之中,凡妮莎左右為難...
譯者: 江春華
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #262
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Arkansas--as far as Jacinda North was concerned, it was the end of the universe. If she survived six months of holding the fort as electrical engineer for the Ozark Power Company, she'd be safely back in New York far from Eric Fortner. Clearly they had nothing in common. She was an M.I.T. graduate;...
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #270
評鑑: 0
譯者: 李子英
出版社: 尹士曼-愛的浪漫史 #61
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Emma wanted to escape the pain of a shattered romance. A game reserve in South Africa seemed about as far from the scene of her unhappiness as she could go. But once there, she promptly got involved with the unnerving Stewart Bristow. Would she ever manage to find peace of mind?
出版社: 尹士曼-愛的浪漫史 #60
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
When Helen's father died, she was grateful to Roger Trelawnce, his old friend and now her guardian, when he offered her a temporary home in his Cornish manor house --and it was not long before she found herself looking on him as much more than a guardian.
譯者: 丁小艾
出版社: 尹士曼-愛的浪漫史 #59
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Deb was devastated when she heard the news... A move from a small town to a big city can certainly change a person's life, especially when you're sixteen and don't like the idea. Soon she found that there was more to it than just changing schools and adapting to a new environment. There were excitin...
譯者: 陳貞
出版社: 尹士曼-愛的浪漫史 #64
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
"Deny that you want me," Greg demanded. "Just try and deny it..." Auburn-haired Mickey Callahan had never met a man as infuriating as architect Greg Bennett. Couldn't he understand that his cold steel skyscraper was all wrong for her beloved Montana prairie? She had criticized his designs, refused...
平均:5 (2 人灑葉)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin: Carina Press
系列書: Men of Midnight #3.0
文類: 懸疑羅曼史
評鑑: 2
Former navy SEAL Joe Harris nearly died—twice—on a medevac helo after being blown up by an IED. He's not moving too great these days, but if there was ever a woman designed to jump-start a man's hormones, it would be his new neighbor. Meeting Isabel—loving Isabel—brought Joe back to life. Isabel D...
譯者: 梁秋萍
出版社: 尹士曼-愛的浪漫史 #8
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
妲妮雅無異於常人,也是母親懷胎九月生下來的,但是她卻走上孤兒的命運之路。 人的一生有甘有苦,妲妮雅的童年、少年在飄零、孤寂中度過。 有人在風雨中沉溺,有人在逆境中站起來。 妲妮雅屬於後者;她在孤寂中學會自處在困境中鍛煉自己。 或許命運之神同情她的遭遇,在她的人生中安插一位理查特,雖然經歷一番折磨,卻也苦盡甘來。 這片浮萍總算尋到落根處。
